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Developing independent, lifelong learners and creative, responsible citizens prepared for the diverse and complex society of the future


If a student's behavior is disruptive and/or the teacher's efforts in the classroom have met with little success, a student may be placed in detention. The student will receive written notification regarding the reason for the detention along with the date of the assigned detention on the detention form. Parents are to be contacted by phone prior to the assigned date.

  1. Detention is assigned by teachers and the administration.
  2. Detention will be assigned during the student’s lunch period and/or after school. After-school detention will begin at 2:45 and end at 3:40, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  3. If the student is ill or absent from school during detention assignment, they will make it up the day they returns to school, if appropriate.
  4. Students participating in activities WILL NOT be excused from after-school detention. They have the obligation to inform the sponsor that they will be remaining after school for the specified number of days.
  5. Students should bring books, coats, etc. to detention with them. Students will not be allowed in other areas of the school following detention.

Failure to Serve Detention

Students who fail to stay for assigned detention(s) may be assigned additional detention or up to three (3) school days of out-of-school suspension. Subsequent offenses could result in an out-of-school suspension.